Audio Introduction

Friday, April 20, 2012

Yesterday I practiced #5 from this video and worked in my garden. Working in the garden always clears my head and puts life in perspective. Enjoy your weekend! Stacy


  1. Hi Stacy,

    I think you have done a great job and getting all the required pieces and some extras on to your blog. The animated graphic with the boards seems like it could represent the busy and hectic life of nursing students. Though you seem to just be getting started into your posting more content related to your topic, you might want consider how to easily direct visitors attention to a single point on your blog. Depending on which the focus of your site is that could be the most recent posting, a "About" section, a video, a motto or slogan, ect.

    During this design process, also consider screen real estate. How much space your selected content uses will promote or prohibit traffic to the lower section of your page. Currently, you have several things that are embedded into headers, sidebars, and footers. May think about how to minimize your blog "footprint" but still manage to attract exploration. So consider what is a MUST SEE for every person who visits your site and try to reorganize around that focal point.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Great Kevin...thanks! I'll look at the layout and reorganize things. At this point I'm happy just to get things posed!!! :)

  2. Isn't number seven the truth! I'm struggling with that one right now. And exercising, yes! I just started training for a half marathon and even though it's sometimes a chore to drag myself to the gym, it's always worth it and I've noticed an overall improvement in my energy level. Great video!

    Off topic... how on mother earth did you get your twitter feed embedded in your page?! It looks awesome and I want to copy it lol

    1. Elena WOW!! a half marathon.....I'm having trouble just making it to the!! good luck. You are an inspiration.
      Twitter well let see try "resources" under your home page, then "my website" . Then I think you have to choose a "widget profile" (whatever that is). Finish an grab...but the profile was trial and error. Try

  3. Stacy! What a great video! The music kept making laugh because it certainly wasn't the theme song to my nursing student days!!!! (it was more about beating my head against a wall).

  4. Hey Stacy, good I did not miss out on watching this so true video. Every aspiring nursing student should watch this video to catch these important guide before they venture into nursing school. I bet you, so many do not know this and so they go through extra stress. I love that little kid. He must be a genius to be a student nurse already!

  5. If we could only do things over with our current knowledge! It would save a lot of time and stress! Thanks Brenda!

  6. Wouldn't it be great if this could be added for all students entering nursing school as the Intro to Nursing! Great job.

  7. I agree!! Better support ata the beginning of school may increase completoin rates
